Why 90 days?
First, this is something that I believe will work for me. It may not be for everyone. But here are my reasons:
- I have tried the year plans and I can typically last for about three months.
- The Bible that I am using is geared for 90 days. (Can be found for about $14 online.) It has the readings mapped. Each reading is 12 pages a day.
- I am not reading as I would read the Bible for a Bible study class. Instead, I am reading like I would read a novel or a book. There are other times for close readings of the text, but this is not what this reading is geared toward.
- N.T. Wright encourages reading the Bible as a 5 Act play. 1) creation 2) fall 3) Israel 4) Jesus 5) the age we live in right now. We are responsible for the 5th act and we are to use the first four acts to inform the 5th act. This doesn't give us liscense to just make things up out of thin air, all must be in keeping with acts 1-4; however, it does give us a place, under Christ's authority, to participate in the "working out" of the 5th act. My point: A fast reading of the Bible allows us to understand it as a narrative.
One final point, I won't be studying what I read as closely as I might in a Bible Study class over say the book of John. In college my freshman year (when I wasn't really paying attention--and should have been) my college pastor was teaching on John. When I graduated from college, I believe he was still teaching on John. A great way to really study the text, but certainly not the only way.
I've been off line for so long, I am now totally behind on this. I have to get that Bible first. So, I guess you will finish several weeks before me. That's ok; I'm pretty sure my self esteem can handle it.=)
PS How many blogs does this make for you now?
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